Russell D. Nomer, CISSP, is a cybersecurity expert with over 30 years of experience in the field. He has worked in a variety of industries, including finance, healthcare, media, hospitality, pharmaceuticals, manufacturing, blockchain, non-profit and has helped numerous organizations improve their security posture. Russell is a Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP), a globally recognized certification for cybersecurity professionals. Russell has authored several articles and books on cybersecurity, including “Hardening Windows 11”,"Hardening MacOS," “Hardening AWS,” “Cyberfusion Team Building”, “Information Security and Cybersecurity Frameworks 101”, "Preparing the Board for Information Warfare" , "The CISO's Guide to Surviving Machiavellian Politics"and has presented at numerous cybersecurity events. Russell is passionate about educating and empowering individuals and organizations to protect themselves against cyber threats. Russell is available for speaking engagements or for consulting and advisory services. He can be retained via his website at russellnomer dot com