Born and raised in Silver Bay Texas, Milton developed a love of reading, games, and Dungeon's and Dragons. A love he took with him to Silver Bay Community College to get a degree in Media Arts. There he found a similar group of friends who were passionate about all things geek culture. At school he had his first forays into storytelling by writing short fiction. Sadly none of those stories or notes survive to present day. After graduating, and not finding work, Milton joined the Merchant Marines spending the majority of his career in the Pacific. There he continued to foster his love of reading as there was little else to do for entertainment. After many years he left the sea for dry land. Putting an oar on his shoulder he walked until he found a cozy landlocked place where few if any people knew just what an oar was. Satisfied, Milton settled into work and found a good group of people to rekindle his love of TTRPG's, reading and writing. With a passion for storytelling its his hope he can become the best writer his abilities will allow. And entertain a few people along the way.