Alex Clearwater

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Alex Clearwater, part-time Bavarian forest dweller and full-time trivia enthusiast, has successfully transplanted his life from the American suburbs to the black forests of Germany. Alongside his lovely wife and two daughters, Alex spends his days delighting in the oddities of expat life and collecting fascinating tidbits for his literary forays.

His debut book, "Interesting Facts Unleashed," is a whimsical romp through a world of lesser-known truths and delightful surprises. With a flair for humor and a voracious appetite for the curious, Alex guides readers through an entertaining and enlightening trivia journey.

When he isn't penning captivating factoids or navigating foreign customs, Alex can be found frolicking with local wildlife and perfecting his yodel. Join him in his quirky adventures and let the trivia madness begin!
