Mike Kotecki is an engineer, but you probably figured that out already. Within two years of graduating as an EE from UW-Milwaukee, he had a team of ten reporting to him in the Quality Department of a consumer electronics company. It was a case of an unarmed man entering a gun fight. The three-plus decades that followed were spent with a global leader in the field of supply chain automation. With that commenced his methodical progression from software developer to senior executive. It was that early baptism and the adventures that followed which provided the raw material for his book: Leadership for Engineers: How to Turn Perfectly Good STEM Professionals into Management. With that enriching career behind him, Mike is currently the sole proprietor of MK Tactical Leadership LLC. The role includes coaching, consulting, and numerous board positions from manufacturing to healthcare to education. Throughout his career, Mike has been a respected international speaker and writer on subjects including technology, motivation, sales, economics, service, behavior and, oh yes, leadership. When not engaged in the above, Mike dedicates time to friends, family, fitness, making sawdust and anything with a piston in it. He and his wife Kate love to travel and seek the music of the world.