ABOUT THE AUTHOR Hello! I am the author of Building With Dust and Ashes. I’m the girlfriend of an amazing, thoughtful, and loving boyfriend and the mother of a young toddler. I’m a former member of a Nationwide Fellowship church and the ex-wife to an ex-Amish who is currently in prison. I was born in Pennsylvania to an Old Order Mennonite couple. I later moved to Wisconsin with my family where I was raised in the Mennonite faith. When I was excommunicated and disowned at the age of eighteen, I was left to find my own way. I wrote this book as an outlet to my thoughts and emotions, detailing my experiences in a way that the reader could hopefully understand. I love to spend time with my family. Currently I spend a lot of time with my child as I work on my second book. We love to read books and play with all their stuffed animals. We go on walks and listen to music. I love traveling when I have the means to do so.