Robert Litman shares the insights and practices he has discovered during the decades of professional experience in conscious breathing and movement. Born with breathing difficulties and suffering from asthma as a child, Robert found ways to overcome his own childhood PTSD and now shares trauma-sensitive teachings to help people breathe and live better. Most of us are born with the ability to breathe freely and naturally, but as the years go by, our breathing becomes labored—compromised by fear, disappointment, trauma, and pollutants. So we contract our breathing body and create ways that feel protective of our vulnerable selves but actually constrict the oxygen intake and thus the nourishment our body receives. You can change your life—including alleviating symptoms of asthma, snoring, sleep apnea, insomnia, anxiety, panic attacks, digestive difficulties, and fatigue—by changing how you breathe. The techniques in this book will teach you how to support and protect your body and its respiratory system. Through conscious breathing, movement, sound, and a clear understanding of anatomy and respiration, we learn habits that support healthy and natural breathing. For more than 30 years, Robert Litman has guided artists, musicians, health professionals, athletes, activists, and countless others to restore healthy breathing rhythms, structural alignment, and coordinated movement. He founded The Breathable Body in 2004 and co-developed the Wellsprings Practitioner Program with Emilie Conrad, founder of Continuum Movement. Robert is a certified breathing behavior analyst from the Graduate School of Behavioral Health Science, and a registered educator and trainer of the Buteyko Breathing Educators Association (BBEA). He was a preceptor at the University of Arizona School of Integrative Medicine, teaching The Breathable Body to visiting doctors for Dr. Andrew Weil. More information on Robert at and