Gordon Hesketh


Through the many years of his life, Gordon has learned that practical stories, like parables, can teach truth more effectively than a lecture or a sermon can. Following the example of Jesus, the greatest teacher, Gordon became a Storyteller, sharing truth through stories from his own and other people's life experiences. Gordon emigrated from Canada to Texas with his parents at age six. He served in the U.S. Navy during the Viet Nam conflict, and later graduated from a Chattanooga, TN Bible college in 1975 with a degree in Theology. He has 7 children and 12 grandchildren. He is the Author of: “The Caregiver's Handbook- in sickness and in health"; "If God Can Heal Me, Why Am I Still Sick?"; “Over The Rainbow Bridge — and Back!” and “The Safe Secret Cancer Killer.” He currently lives in Florida with his dog, Shadow. GordonHesketh.com


