Cassidy Bridges, affectionately known as Cassidy Brianna is a six year old Model, Actor, Author, and Social Media influencer. Cassidy started her career at the age of two working with some amazing companies online. At the age of 4 she quickly gained notoriety after an Instagram video went viral while wearing an Afro Unicorn tee for telling a stranger, thank you for how much she loved Cassidy’s Afro hair. The video gained millions of likes and shares throughout the internet, even being shared by major celebrities, brands, and publications such as Viola Davis, D.L.Hughley, Oprah Daily, BET, The Shade Room, and many more. Cassidy's signature catchphrase of "Thank you, It's an Afro" made her a household symbol of Black pride and beauty among people of color and the natural hair community around the globe. Like her mom, Cassidy is creative, fun-loving, and a natural learner and teacher. She enjoys sharing lessons of self-love, empathy, and joy learned at home with family, friends, and really, anyone she meets. Most recently she was featured in a Recess Therapy video advising on how we can be happy and kind. At six, she is wise well beyond her years. In 2021, she co-founded and launched her lifestyle brand, Thank You, It's an Afro, which promotes confidence, self-love, and the beauty of natural Afro hair through an assortment of products. Cassidy has collaborated with major brands such as Afro Unicorn, Target, Rite-aid, Wal-Mart, Lilly Frilly and, Rev Air, Curl Mix, Aveeno, Upbounders, and more. She has also been featured on National TV commercials, ABC’s Good Morning America, Fox Good Day New York, and CBS Good Mornings.