Nick Pascoe

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I grew up in a devout Roman Catholic family and attended Catholic schools, eventually becoming a teacher. After teaching for a while. I joined the Air Force, training to be a pilot. I traveled to many places for work - the Middle East, Europe, and the USA. It was thrilling but I felt too young once I retired, so I wrote some training courses for companies. This re-ignited my childhood passion for writing, organizing text and editing, and extensive writing in my own journals.

While traveling through Rome, I quickly became fascinated with the architecture and the rich Catholic history. Born and raised a Catholic, I remember going to Sunday school and church many times per week but didn't remember it to be as interesting as the stories coming out of Rome as an adult. I then went on to spend the next couple of years researching, studying and writing about the Lives of Saints. I studied Theology so my books refer to the understanding of Catholic doctrines. The first book in this series focuses on the engaging figure that is Saint Philip Neri. Read on to know about his life, background, family and contributions. Saint Philip Neri, pray for us.

My website is a work in progress. I can also be contacted on my instagram page which is growing each day. nickpascoebooks is my instagram page. Please do follow for any updates and opportunities to download my books for free when they are first released. Til then, Nick

Publisher: Grammatika
