Matt Armstrong is entering the fabled mid-life era of his existence and is a Canadian living abroad in Australia. While always dabbling in writing over the years, he finally sat down and hammered out a novel, and he's been absorbed in a world of his own creation ever since. As an avid fan of fantasy, science fiction and horror, and a tongue-in-cheek, sarcastic approach to life, he has taken contemporary, urban fantasy and incorporated many of his favourite elements. He will make you laugh and cry. Cheer on the edge of your seat. Horrify and, hopefully, amaze.
His inspirations are Jim Butcher, Brandon Sanderson, Robert Jordan, George RR Martin, and a dabbling of Stephen King.
The Noctis Investigations will take you to unexpected places, and as soon as you think you know what's going to happen, the rug will be ripped out from under your feet.