“Imagine better than the best you know…” So begins the magical teachings in my new novel, The Color Of Dreams, which releases on May 1, 2025. Imagine if a magical visitor came to you with a chance to redeem your life, a chance to make your deepest dream come true. Could you develop the faith to chase your dream one more time? The Color Of Dreams is a story I’ve had inside me for 30 years. Now my dream is finally becoming a reality! I hope it inspires you to not only let your own dream out, but that it helps you shine your light so others can follow it to live their dreams, too. I’m inspired by books, people, animals, nature…life itself, really. In my last book, The Owner’s Manual To Life, I collected 100 of my favorite quotes and wrote a two-page essay helping to reveal their wisdom. The subtitle of the book, “Simple Strategies to Worry Less and Enjoy Life More” sums up the intent of the book. Who doesn’t want to enjoy life more? Here a few of my favorite quotes from the book: “Happiness is pretty simple—someone to love, something to do, something to look forward to.” –Rita Mae Brown “We don’t need more to be thankful for, we need to be more thankful.” “Formula for failure: try to please everyone.” “How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives.” –Annie Dillard If you’re looking for a book to help you find the joy in this remarkable world, to help you look beyond the occasional darkness, then check it out. I guarantee it will help you become kinder to yourself, and it will help you rediscover the point and purpose of life: to help others. Lastly, I encourage you to visit my website, michaelzbooks, and sign up for the quotes I send out each Wednesday. Also, you’ll find my email address there; I encourage you to send me some of your favorites as well. I always enjoy the wisdom other people have inside of them. Until then, remember what Ruth Ann Schabacker said: “Each day comes bearing its own gifts. Untie the ribbons.”