Taylor Mitchell is a talented artist who specializes in the captivating art of epoxy. With an innate passion for creative expression, Taylor has dedicated years to perfecting her techniques and exploring the artistic possibilities offered by this unique medium. Taylor firmly believes that art should be accessible to everyone. Through her hands-on experience and unwavering commitment to sharing her knowledge, she aspires to inspire others to venture into the world of creating objects with epoxy. In her book, Taylor endeavors to provide an in-depth and practical guide for those eager to immerse themselves in the art of epoxy. Through detailed instructions, helpful tips, and theoretical insights, Taylor's book leads readers along a progressive learning path, equipping them with the necessary tools to achieve satisfying results and nurture their creativity. Taylor's artistic talent and boundless passion have already motivated numerous aspiring artists on their creative journey. Her mission is to guide readers in discovering the art of crafting objects with epoxy, offering a comprehensive and accessible resource that will pave the way to fulfilling artistic outcomes.