Julian Stonewall

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My journey started far from professional kitchens, but rather amidst the intoxicating aroma of smoky hickory wafting through my childhood home's backyard in rural Texas. As a boy, I looked on, mesmerized, as my father manned our family's rickety old grill, turning out flavorsome delights that turned a casual weekend into a cherished memory.

Despite having a career in information technology, I could never shake off the allure of the grill. Each weekend, I found myself experimenting with flavors and techniques in my backyard, transforming it into my personal culinary laboratory. Every recipe I perfected filled me with joy, and each failed attempt brought a valuable lesson. It was these countless hours spent in the pursuit of perfecting the art of grilling that I realized my true calling.

In 2018, I traded my keyboard for grill tongs and made it my mission to share my passion for grilling with others. Years of meticulous practice and a burning desire to understand the science of grilling led me to develop a series of recipes, each one a testament to my unwavering dedication.

My culinary philosophy is simple - anyone can master the grill.

