TR Lawrence has been a full-time trader for 25+ years in all markets. During his tenure in the market, TR made all the mistakes confusing brains with a bull market and was totally unprepared for the Dot.Com bubble bust in March 2000. After suffering a large margin call to cover his account, TR decided to learn all the ins and outs of trading so this would never happen again. TR hired a coach from a brand name brokerage and started learning from the ground up. During these sessions, TR learned how to minimize risk with a solid trading plan, how to trade in all markets using simple indicators, and most importantly, what trading style suited him the best. TR became a seller of options for monthly income, and for a way to buy stocks at cheaper prices. When Weekly Options were introduced in 2010, TR became a seller using Weeklys that literally turned every Friday into payday. In his book “How to Turn Every Friday into Payday Selling Weekly Options. Make Money in all Markets and Sleep Worry Free”, TR lays out a simple methodology he calls the KaChing Method for weekly income. Start investing like a Pro and have some listening to the KaChings!