John H. Cumper

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I'm an Australian baby boomer, one of the privileged & fortunate according to the following generations.

Mike and the mechanics sang a song "The living years" first line" every generation blames the one before"

Thus it would appear a pointless discussion.

I would suggest however, those Australians who lived between 1890 and 1950 were the Great generation.

Two world wars and the great depression. Today's generations could not handle those events.

I grew up in Catholic family, educated in Catholic schools and brainwashed to the point now 50 + years ago

those formative years didn't prepare me for what was to follow.

On graduating from university I became an accountant.

Growing up, my mates and I were sport crazy. I became involved in rowing at around 15, and have been involved

ever since. I "retired" from the accounting profession in 1992 and pursued a career as a professional coach.

I am what my friends call, a rowing tragic. However I am forever indebted to the sport for what it has done for me.

It's been a long journey that is still continuing. Lots of chocolate and boiled lolly experiences. But that is life.
