In 2007, at age 63 Rich moved from Naples FL to Medellin Colombia to start a real estate company to assist foreigners to own real estate in Medellin. But nine years later at age 72 he was in the death throes of full blown metabolic syndrome with high blood pressure (160/100), inflammation and swollen feet, aches and pains, low energy and was preparing to die. His doctors were doing what they were trained to do, giving him pills like statins and blood pressure med. By almost a miracle he read a book about sugar, met a holistic doctor the day he finished the book and did a 21 day detox off of sugar and processed foods. Within seven days his swelling went a away and by day 21 he had lost 22 lbs., and his blood pressure dropped 30 points. At age 80 he is off all meds, living large, still working and leading an active life, all thanks to one very simple thing - quitting sugar (and processed foods which convert to sugar). His first question after regaining his health by quitting sugar was, ¨why didn´t my doctors tell me to do this?¨. After seven years of research his book Killing You Softly, answers this and many more questions related to the biggest coverup in human history, that sugar kills us sweetly, slowly and softly and is destroying the world´s health.