👋 I'm Nate.
You probably found this page through a friend, or saw something on LinkedIn.
And if that's the case, you've probably seen me talking about the idea of selling "with" buyers (not to them).
It's my jam. But I never went through any formal sales trainings or had a "boss" to teach me to sell. I just kind of figured it out as I went. Sometimes by founding the products I sell. Other times, building teams to sell. (3X sales leader, 2X founder.)
And now, I spend my time building products to help sellers at Fluint.
While in my "spare time," doing a lot writing and researching and thinking about new ways to sell that aren't commonly taught.
I think about these ideas all the time, and I recently wrote them all down in a book called "Selling With."
I wrote it to help you create and sell with “champions.” To shape your message during the buying conversations happening about you — without you. Which is where deals are actually won or lost.
It's a way of selling that makes complex deals a bit easier and (more importantly) more fun.
If you’re up to check it out, that'd be pretty cool.