Antonia Tricarico has been taking photos since 1997. In the past years, she has been working as a
photo archivist for Lucian Perkins (Pulitzer Prize-winning photographer for the Washington Post)
and collaborated with Tolotta Records, Dischord Records, Kill Rock Stars, and Youth Action
Research Group.
Her work can be found in private collections, in the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum
of American History, and in the permanent exhibit and archive of the Special Collections
Division of the District of Columbia, Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library, Punk and Go Go
music archive, in the Special Collections of the Michelle Smith Performing Arts Library,
University of Maryland, and in the Collections of DC History Center in Washington, DC.
Her first book Frame of Mind: Punk Photos and Essay from Washington, DC, and Beyond,
1997-2017 was published by Akashic Books in 2019. Her second book The Inner Ear of Don
Zientara: a half-century of recording through the voices of musicians, engineers, and producers
from one of America’s most innovative studios was published by Akashic Books in 2023.
Her work has appeared in Photo Review, Guitar World, Kerrang, RAZORCAKE, and Fretboard