Hi! Thanks for visiting my author page. I'm a full-time project manager, part-time marshmallow tree cultivator and have officially added 'children's book author' to my list of LinkedIn titles. While originally from Germany, I now call the US home and peppered my debut children's book series "Amelia & Paco" with a blend of transatlantic charm and humor. As a parent and writer, I believe in the power of make-believe play to unlock creativity, learning, and problem-solving skills in children. Each of my stories is a love letter to this playful world of pretend - a world where marshmallow trees grow and grumpy polar bears talk. If you want to stay up to date with my books on Amazon, please give me a follow! For more behind-the-scenes info and freebies, sign up for the newsletter on my website. I also share resources for new and aspiring children's book authors on my Instagram @marshmallowtreepress.