Lisa V Maus


Lisa V. Maus is a lifelong painter, she started at a young age and never stopped. She went to college to earn her Master’s in Business only to become a painter and teacher after finishing school. She will tell you herself that and when she started painting it was a total struggle for her but she loved it so much she just kept doing it. “I had no idea how to paint in perspective and no matter how many different methods I tried I just wasn’t getting any better. I went through every book in the library and it still didn’t seem to click for me. I knew I needed lots of practice but most books only give you a few lessons and lot of descriptions. I needed lots of lessons with lots of visuals.” Still, she kept painting for the relaxation and enjoyment of it. Then one day a teacher, where her kids went to school, asked her to teach one art class. Reluctantly she accepted, she had never taught art before and had no idea where to start. The first few classes were a struggle as she tried to teach the kids all the standard ways of painting; lines of horizon, grid systems and vanishing points. The kids absolutely did not like it and literally told her so. Then about the third class in she discovered a puzzle piece system that the kids totally understood and got right off the bat. Most, if not all of them, got really good at moving the lines around until they got images and designs, they liked. Kids are very critical of their work and like to see results right away, so as young artists this system was perfect because they could see the layout and adjust lines if needed. With this approach to art each person can easily move the lines around until they get the image they love. The best part about the system is that it is progressive so once the artist understands the method, they can easily paint almost anything. As the teacher the best part for Lisa was that she could use the system on any level of artist. That one class lead to ten years of teaching for kids and now 25 years of teaching for all ages. “As an artist.” Lisa says, “this system literally turned my own art around as I gained confidence enough to get loose with the blending and loose blending means more sales. That’s when regular sales started happening weekly, enough to open my own art gallery. That was almost 30 years ago and I now have over 20 books, a thriving art gallery in downtown Sandpoint Idaho and have taught over 1000 students from the total beginner to professionals. Once you learn the system your confidence level goes way up and you can start playing with color and get very loose with the blending. Evey person has their own blend, like a thumb print, and no two people are the same. Once you have the layout you can start blending with ease as you enjoy the process. There have been numerous studies about how art can help with anxiety, boost brain power and function as well as become a better problem solver. Not to mention the fun you will have as you end up with wonderful art for your own walls, gifts to give others and of course art sales if that is your goal. You don’t have to take Lisa’s word for it because you will see the difference in your own art after only a few lessons. Not only will you feel confident when you approach your painting but you will love the ease of blending rich paint with loose blends of wonderful color.



