Odessa Alba

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Odessa has a passion for writing stories that rivet and excite readers and aims to create stories that feel like an escape from the mundane. She is a recipient of the Pencraft Award for Literary Excellence. She is also an award-winning filmmaker, artist, film industry grip, and cancer survivor. She spent over a decade working on high-budget films and television shows. She's enjoyed writing fiction since she was young, scrawling scripts into spiral-bound notebooks in her parents' basement.

Though born in Wyoming and spending most of her adult life in the deep American South, she now lives on the beach in Connecticut with her boyfriend, various small pets, and rambunctious jack russel terror. When she isn't writing or reading, she's usually partaking in a masochistic puzzle, tending to her massive vegetable garden, fumbling through an escape room, or kayak fishing.

Odessa Alba is a romance pen name (an easy way to keep her genre fiction separate for readers) & has published award-winning extreme horror under her real name, Erica Summers, and also has an upcoming hilarious cozy mystery series under the pen name Trixie Fairdale.
