Cindi Neisinger, a writer with a flair for uncovering hidden stories, stumbled upon her writing destiny in an unexpected place. While feeding feral cats in Riverside, CA, she discovered dusty red leather ledgers in her mother's outdoor workshop. These ledgers, emblazoned with "Don the BeachComber Inc." from Chicago, contained mob signatures and the names of Cora Irene “Sunny” Sund and Ernest Beaumont Gantt. Intrigued, Cindi's quick research led her to Sunny's daughter, Karen, who possessed a forty-year-old manuscript about her mother's life. Sunny, a largely unknown yet influential woman restaurateur, had a fascinating story waiting to be told. Teaming up with Karen, Cindi embarked on a two year-long journey of research, uncovering Sunny's side of the story and Karen's experiences in the restaurant business. Their collaboration, fueled by laughter, interviews, meetups, events, and numerous cocktails, was more than just a project; it was an adventure in storytelling and friendship, driven by a passion for sharing the legacy of a remarkable woman in the restaurant industry. Take a look at the other books where she has contributed as an author.