Daniel I. Block (PhD, University of Liverpool) is the Gunther H. Knoedler Professor Emeritus of Old Testament at Wheaton College, Wheaton, IL, USA. He is the author of more than 140 scholarly papers and many popular articles on biblical texts and topics. His published books include The Book of Ezekiel (2 volumes, NICOT, 1997, 1998), Judges and Ruth (NAC, 1999), Deuteronomy (NIVAC, 2012), For the Glory of God: Recovering a Biblical Theology of Worship (2014), Ruth: The King is Coming (ZECOT, 2015), and Covenant: The Framework of God’s Grand Plan of Redemption (2021). 丹尼爾·布洛克(Daniel I. Block),利物浦大學博士,惠頓大學舊約榮休教授,發表了一百二十餘篇學術論文,以及許多廣為人知的有關聖經文本和主題的文章。他的主要著作包括《以西結書注釋》(兩卷本,麥種,2022)、《士師記與路得記注釋》(B & H,1999)、《申命記注釋》(兩卷本,漢語聖經協會,2017)、《榮耀歸神:敬拜的聖經神學探源》(證主,2018),《路得記注釋:王將降臨》(ZECOT,2015),以及《聖約:神救贖宏大計畫之框架》(Baker,2021)等。