Isabella Francis

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Inspired by the horrors of a two-year-long toxic relationship, Isabella Francis

has made it her number one mission to help people escape the clutches of narcissism, abuse and toxicity.

She says, “Relationships can be beautiful! Relationships can be blissful! But only when they are with the

right person, at the right time, and under the right conditions.”

Sadly, this is not always possible. Too many narcissists are out there hunting for prey. And when you fall

victim to their manipulation, your relationship can become the worst thing in your life.

Gaslighting, manipulation, attempts to control, physical, verbal and emotional abuse, and constant conflict

are only a part of what the story may look like. And most people never recover from the toxic relationships

they fall into. They absorb and get dissolved in the toxicity being fed into their life. They lose sight of the

good things in life and the inner child within them dies.

Despair, dejection, desolation and self-doubts naturally follow toxic relationships. Even in those who

manage to end toxic relationships, recovery is often a thankless, harrowing experience.

That is why Isabella has decided to spread her magic potion for recovery around. She is dedicated to teaching the techniques and methods that saved her from harrowing abuse. Through her books and community service, she has helped dozens of victims of toxic relationships to chart a new course in their lives.

She believes surviving a toxic relationship should serve as a strong incentive for you to live a healthy,

wholesome life. But she also acknowledges most people do not have access to the right knowledge for

recovery and healing.

That is why for the last five years, she has continued to write articles and books to help people regain their

feet and rediscover their happiness. She says personal boundaries, clarity of purpose and mindfulness are

the pillars of recovery.

Her books teach,

● How to spot the beginning of a toxic relationship before it is too late

● A stepwise guide to terminating a toxic relationship with minimal fuss

● Proven tips for healing from trauma

● The rules that guide healthy, balanced relationships

● Steps for disarming a narcissist and protecting you and your children from their manipulation

● How to co-parent with a narcissist without fear or anxiety

● How to recover from PTSD and narcissistic victim syndrome

● Valuable financial resources, tools and checklists for coping with a divorce

● Protection of children’s mental health during a divorce

● Positive co-parenting and parallel parenting that allows children to flourish

● How to love again without bringing the baggage of past toxic relationships

She believes that one toxic relationship does not have to define you forever. She says, “We all deserve a

chance at a normal life and healthy relationships even if we have been hurt before.”

Isabella lives on a ranch in California with her husband and three daughters.
