Lamar Russell is a man of God, a loving father to his son Ezra, and a devout husband to his wife Jennae Russell of 3 years. A acclaimed author, community activist, entrepreneur, educator, mentor, youth leader, child counsellor, mental health 1st aider, and a community hero excellence awards finalist. Lamar is known for being a true inspiration and a positive advocate for the youth. Drawing from his own personal experiences growing up and struggles, Lamar allows his life to be an “open book” from which radiates dynamic and inspiring messages that many people across all barriers relate to. Lamar grew up in Harlesden as many people would suggest as “THE GHETTO” but despite growing up in “THE GHETTO” Lamar didn’t let that stop him from chasing greatness in life. Lamar left home at 18 to live in AMERICA on a 4 year scholarship to play football (soccer) and to study at university. Lamar then returned back to the uk and got into being an educator and set up a youth organisation which is changing many young peoples life’s for the better. Lamar created the children book “Young king” to inspire the next generation of boys with positive words of affirmations, throughout the book Lamar emphasis that greatness is already installed in them and that they can achieve anything in life. “Young king” is drawing the attention of many especially parents that love this book and believe it’s making a positive impact in their child’s life. ”Young King” is in many schools all over England and libraries now. Since being released in November 2023 it’s been in the top 100 best seller in the category of “Christian children books” and “Early childhood education” and recently getting a top 9 bestseller in the category of Christian children books which is truly mind blowing and inspiring. Lamar has stated that this is just the start and that he’s already working on his next children book.