Roman Pirogov

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Hello to all who love to peer into the mysterious depths of aquariums! My name is Roman Pirogov, and I am a devotee of the underwater world where every moment is filled with amazing discoveries.

Since childhood, I've been drawn to the mysteries of the ocean, and over the course of my life, I've become a dedicated explorer of aquarium depths. My love for fish started with a small aquarium in my childhood room, but gradually it evolved into a true passion.

With a degree in marine biology, I decided to share my knowledge and experience by writing books on caring for aquarium fish. My works are not just care guides; they are my attempt to invite the reader to immerse themselves in the wonderful world of aquatic life.

Through the pages of my books, I strive to convey not only practical skills for fish care but also instill a sense of responsibility for preserving our marine heritage. It's important to me that everyone opening my books feels the same magic that I experience watching the harmonious dance of fish in the aquarium. With love to you and your finned friends!
