Nita Landis has been accompanying others on their journeys for 40 years, offering spiritual companionship, retreats, and healing care and prayer. She understands herself, and everyone else on the planet, as beings who are dearly loved by The One Who Is Love. Receiving the unearned, lavish love of God grounds her in a sense of safety and significance. Belonging to Someone who understands, accepts, and delights in her has filled her heart with a joy that sustains her in all kinds of circumstances and energizes a flow of love to others. Nita loves pickleball, pottery, neuroscience, and historical fiction. She also loves dark chocolate, trumpet concertos, ginger beer, the graceful lines of figure skating, sunshine, movies that focus on relationships, jazz saxophone, color, other cultures and cuisines, and going barefoot whenever possible. Her deepest passion is receiving God's love and loving well, so that all may flourish in awareness of being deeply loved.