Gabarayah Natsarayah is a New York native. He was born in Harlem and raised in the South Bronx area, and continued much of his teenage years in the Westchester County area of New York. Gabar was raised in a single parent home just he and his mother, until the age of 16, that's when his mother married. That event had a huge impact on the development of self and the pursuit of purpose seeking.
He was raised within the Christian faith and continued to adhere to his childhood religious upbringing through his young adult, adult years. During his christian experience, he was afforded the opportunity to partake in urban outreach, assist in many capacities of church ministry and even Pastored under his own ministry. In the year 2020, during his time of seeking for the meaning of his purpose, he was challenged in the area of his prophetic lineage. This study opened up his eyes to a truth that was not preached at any church he had previously attended. He realized that he was indeed an Israelite and that he his purpose is to serve the Most High with a pure and sincere heart, through the keeping of his law, statutes and commandments. From that time on he has been on a mission to sound the alarm on those who have ears to hear and to edify like minded believers to endure in this walk of truth. His "Consecrated Consciousness" book series is purposed to help others adapt to a lifestyle solely focused on pleasing the Heavenly Father according to Romans 12:1-2
Greetings everyone! I thank you for visiting my author page and even purchasing my books and viewing the content I submit on social media. This journey of truth seeking and living as a living sacrifice isn't the easiest but it definitely has its rewards and benefits.I would like to personally thank the Most High for His grace in every season and I want to thank those who have supported my journey and have spoken words of life and correction. I also thank my adversaries and enemies, it's because of you that I have been able to recognize the real from the fake.