Dr. Charissa D. Pizarro is a Bilingual Licensed Clinical Psychologist and Registered Play Therapist with over 20 years of experience working with diverse clinical populations. She has devoted her career to working with the underprivileged. At present, she heads two grant-funded child protective services programs, where clinicians go into the home and provide individual, family, couples and play therapy for families affected by severe trauma and their children have been removed or may be in jeopardy of being removed from the home by child protective services. Many of the clients in these programs are not only Spanish-speaking but they are often of undocumented immigrant status. Dr. Pizarro, also, has a small private practice where she treats presenting concerns such as depression, anxiety, trauma, and adjustment disorders. She conducts psychological assessments including immigration and bariatric evaluations. The immigration evaluations are often a determining factor in staying or leaving this country and in maintaining or dissolving a family unit. Dr. Pizarro’s efforts extend internationally. She has been a delegate for the American Psychological Association (APA) twice before for both Portugal, Europe and Tanzania, Africa. As an APA delegate Psychologists from all over the U.S. and other parts of the world convene to discuss several important Psychology topics including immigration, psychological trauma, maternal mental health, addiction, and aging populations. Discussion of these topics is with the hopes that the delegates could collaborate to find solutions for issues raised as well as learn from each other on policies and procedures which are working well in any one delegates’ country. Dr. Pizarro is a member of several organizations including the APA, and several of its divisions. Dr. Pizarro is the Member at large of Diversity for Division 37- The Society for Child and Family Policy and Practice. She is also the Volunteer Coordinator for the Dominican Republic for Postpartum Support International. Dr. Pizarro was the recipient of APA’s Division of Child and Family Policy (Div. 37) Section on Child Maltreatment Early Career Award 2020 and the JetBlue Healthcare Heroes- Lifting our Heroes Award.