Ethan Reynolds

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Ethan Reynolds is a forty-five-years old banker but as he puts it, his first duty is being a father to his three daughters.

Like most first-time parents, Ethan and his wife had their fair share of challenges watching Maria, their first daughter, bloom into adulthood. At the beginning of her teenage years, Maria was a quiet, unassuming and slightly unsure girl that tried to hide her freckles. But as she grew older, she had more questions than ever and Ethan had to find the right answers for her. He concedes that maybe not all the answers he got were right.

Needless to say, it can be very awkward to have “the talk” with your child, but you owe them a great responsibility to talk right. In fact, in today’s world where opinions are shaped a lot by social media, you must talk to your child in the right way, at the right time, in the right place and provide the right reasons.

Ethan spent a great deal of time researching all these and he was better prepared when his second daughter’s teenage years rolled by. He absolutely aced his responsibilities and he says he knows he did a better job. His third daughter only gave him the chance to repeat a tested and trusted method at that point.

Five years ago, cursory research showed him that he was not the only parent struggling to set their children up with the right code of life. Many parents are helpless and inexperienced to help their children through a tough phase. Many parents simply find it too hard or too awkward to talk about sex, safe and unsafe touches, genders, sexuality, consent, boundaries, and online safety,

Ethan believes many parents are unknowingly abdicating their responsibility to faceless strangers on the Internet. So, he decided to start writing about the methods that worked for him. He says the three pillars of raising great kids is communication, no judgment and honesty.

Ethan says you must communicate (and not just talk) with your kids. You must let them know they can open up to you at any time. Then, you must not judge them. Rather, while not being dishonest, show them the right way.

In his books, he also talks about how to teach your kids,

● To embrace diverse cultures

● Respect other people

● The art of true friendship

● The best tips for communication

● The role of kindness and empathy

● The different forms of love

● How to respect differences

● Body positivity

● Body autonomy

● Safety in the digital world.

His favorite quote is “With children, do not decide for them. Rather, teach them how to know the right decision and take it.”

Ethan lives with his wife and his last daughter in Houston!
