Lilla Szekely


I was born in Budapest, Hungary in 1985. I graduated from the Budapest University of Economics (formerly Budapest College of Economics) with a degree in hospitality and hotel management as an economist. I worked in the tourism industry for several years as a salesperson while studying programming at ELTE University. Although I did not complete my IT studies, I have since happily applied my IT knowledge in workplace hobby projects. After working in the hotel industry, I transitioned into the world of HR as an HR consultant, and later went on maternity leave from there. Our children, Emese and Ákos, were born in 2019 and 2022. My love for writing and literature has been an integral part of my life since childhood. I wrote my first fairy tale back in the nineties during a vacation with my grandmother. As a teenager and young adult, I wrote numerous short stories. One of them was published in print in a literary newspaper in 2009, while the others were published as an ebook. In retrospect, I consider these more as attempts and expressions of my emotions rather than complete works. Writing took a back seat in my life for a long time, but with the birth of my children, the passion for it was rekindled within me. Our family lives in a small village where we also keep animals. This provided the inspiration for my first children's book titled Tappancs a tanyán, which was released in 2023 and was translated to English as Pawy on the Ranch in 2024.


