Eric Petrus

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I'm Eric Petrus and I help guitar players learn simple guitar repairs so that they can make money fixing guitars in their area.

In 2021, I started an online guitar repair school and community called Guitar Repair Business Starter. Since then, I've created several more courses and have had almost 1400 enrollees in 3 countries and the number keeps getting bigger.

My online school teaches, setups, fret dressings, electronics and soldering, nut replacements, etc.. as well as how to start a business. It's a one stop shop for creating extra income with guitar repair.

My passion is to help guitar players create a sustainable extra income helping other guitar players with repairs.

Most guitar business books teach very little about how to actually get started and make money. Instead, they make you read a bunch of boring chapters on "business plans" and other things that don't matter. My intention with this book was to give you a modern, step by step approach to putting money in your pocket with no fluff.

What readers say...

“Eric not only gives you all the essential information on how to fix and setup guitars, he also shows you how make money providing the service for others”

“I love everything about this book. The step by step process to starting a business. The knowledge shared is priceless. Eric does not disappoint.”

“"How to Make Money Fixing Guitars..." is a must-read for anyone looking to turn their passion for guitars into a profitable business. The author provides clear and practical advice on everything from setting up a workshop to marketing your services.”
