Born Naeemah Karriem, I'm a Muslim African American, brought up amongst the congregations in both Chicago, IL and Atlanta, GA. Growing up in a Muslim household was an amazing memory, filled with experiences that made me the woman I am today. From attending Friday Jumuah prayers at the Atlanta Masjid of Al-Islam to hearing my Grandfather speak to hundreds of people, I'm grateful to experience it all. As a Wife, Mother of 4, entrepreneur, and now author, I aspire to make a difference in the world and leave a mark. Over the past couple of years, I've been thrown many obstacles that have tested my faith in Allah, however, I always overcame it. With the recent passing of my sister, I was motivated to only grow closer to Allah. I'm so appreciative for the love and support that I've received from my family and friends that all I can say is Alhumdulillah. As Ramadan approaches, my goal was to create a book where I could keep track of my prayers, readings from the Quran, plan daily and even write my favorite prayers. Well this is it and more. May Allah accept your fast and G'd willing, this book will bring about ease to your Ramadan!