Steadfast and Sustained


We aim to empower women to engage with scripture, remember God’s promises, and foster deeper peace and growth. Want to grow closer to God amid the busyness of life? We can help. Break through the distractions by following an easy-to-follow journaling routine. Walk away equipped, empowered, and know how to tangibly apply God’s word today. ——— About Our Journals: Meet the Steadfast & Sustained Bible notes Journal! 🎊 Perfect for taking notes while studying the Bible, or praying with God. How does it work?🌟 This journal has a couple of pages per day with 5 sections: ♥ Scripture ♥ Key Takeaways ♥ Daily Questions ♥ Notes ♥ Prayer There is also a section at the beginning to fill out with some questions and a prayer, and finishing reflection questions at the end! This is a great way to see all that God has done over the course of these pages. ——— And of course, our church notes journals! Stay focused during the sermon and have notes to look back on for the week to come. Our church notes journals provide structured prompts and ample space for you to jot down key insights, personal reflections, prayer requests, and action steps inspired by the sermon. ——— A note from our founder: 📝 How a journal changed my life… and how our company began because of it: I vividly remember sitting at my desk at the end of high school, stressed about the future. I believed in God, but wondered why my trust in him seemed so small. I began to write down Bible verses, prayers, and sermon notes each day. Trying to do what I could to grow closer to God and find a sense of peace. And after implementing this daily, it started to work. I felt more at peace that God had a plan. I was able to surrender to him, be more present, and find greater joy where I was. This led me to think: "What if I created a journal to help others find deeper trust in God too?" So a couple of years later I set out to find out how to do the seemingly impossible: starting my own business. And now here we are! I created these Bible and church notes journals to help you find God wherever you are. Whether he feels distant or you're at your "peak"- our goal is to provide tools to help you grow and encounter his presence daily. So what are you waiting for? Grab your journal on our site today! Blessings, Kailee Elise ♥️ Founder


