Karen Pearce works in the healthcare field and is a blogger on other-worldly interpretations of lucid dreaming and astral projection. Karen shares her esoteric interpretations through first-hand accounts on her blog, Travels of a Dream Walker. This blog is best read from the beginning to see how she developed, but when time is short, there are highlighted blog posts listed that offer a great overview. Karen began journaling her experiences back in 2005 when she was told writing down her dreams would be a productive method to help her understand life and find answers. She was told previously by psychics that she had “dream walking” abilities and that she should journal her dreams, yet she did not do so until she felt ready. Getting ready involved reading as much as possible by authors like William Buhlman, Robert Monroe, Kurt Leland, and many others. She learned about the various astral travel techniques and adapted her own individual method of induction and exploration of consciousness with dream travel. Her online blog began in 2007 and she has journaled extensive experiences with dream travel and other worldly spirit interactions. After a short hiatus to focus on her physical life, she is returning now to share what she has learned over the years with everyone who also seeks this knowledge. Karen has learned much about herself and the spirit world around her through these efforts and knows she shall continue to learn for as long as she lives. Her motto has always been, "The more we learn, the more limitless the Universe becomes!" (also known as Karen659 online - karen659. blogspot. com & Facebook page Travels of a Dreamwalker)