John Kesler


JOHN KESLER formulated a spiritual, life and societal transformation practice framework known as integral polarity practice (“IPP”) and has shared IPP for over twenty years through the IPP Institute. John speaks, teaches, and consults through the lens of IPP in service of greater interrelated individual, collective, and ecosystemic flourishing and leadership for flourishing. John graduated from Columbia University Law School in 1973 and continues to practice law. He was a founding member of the politics section of the Integral Institute founded by Ken Wilber. John served as executive director of the United States Coalition of Healthy Cities and Communities, and as co-chair of the Healthy Communities Global Action Network. He was communities editor of the National Civic Review.  John is co-founder and chair of YOUnify, a non-profit initiative grounded in IPP principles and dedicated to bridging differences of all sorts in service of interrelated individual, collective, and ecosystemic flourishing.  He is a member of the Harvard/Oxford interest group on Leadership for Flourishing and chair of the civic and government committee of the Spirituality and Flourishing interest group, both part of the Harvard University Flourishing Network (“HFN”). He leads an HFN Community of Practice dedicated to promoting flourishing and transformation primarily through applications of IPP.


