Sass and non-conformity are ordinary for this Pastor's wife.
"Boxes" are for Amazon deliveries.
A nursing career morphed into writing; aligning with a love for God, families, and life. For ten years, Elaine generated a regional "reader favorite" Family Values Column. She has two nationally published short stories and a Parent Life Magazine article. Writing and teaching Bible Studies and speaking at women's events speckle her calendar as well.
Weekly, words fly from fingertips to internet on her Inspirational Blog: Short Years, Long Days, Forever Moments. Encouraging and inspiring in the peaks, valleys, and Tsunamis. Join the blog family at
Lakeside living near Richmond, Virginia; her peaceful place. As "Mom" and "Zee Zee" … Tada … Mary Poppins. Beware of epic breakouts: dance parties and singalongs. Her Carrot Cake recipe; family secret.