C.L. Ramsey

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I am a 52-year-old mother of four adult children. I was always passionate about reading to my children every night at bedtime and passing along my love of reading to them. I shouldn’t say my love of reading because that isn’t exactly accurate. My love of being a part of a story and letting it take you away to another time and place. I believe inspiration comes from stories, whether you get them for books, movies, or television. It doesn't matter what medium you use as long as it inspires and empowers you. I hope that the reader comes away having learned something they didn’t know before they opened the book and that they close the book feeling enlightened, hopeful, and energetic about the future. Every one of us can create positive change in our world. We may not have Amy's same outcome as in my stories, but little things can have big results. I'm hoping my books are those sorts of little things. I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I have enjoyed writing them.
