Many times in life, we find ourselves traveling down the wrong road yet still ending up at the right destination. That is the story of my life. Through many trials and tribulations, the LORD walked me as I passed through the valley of the shadow of death and kept me. I was sentenced to life and 30 years with 30 years in federal prison in 1996. Ultimately, I served 23 and a half years before by the grace of God, the then President Barack Obama granted me executive clemency. Then, having a remaining six years, Former President Donald Trump made a sentencing law retroactive and enabled my early release from prison. To God be all the glory. During my incarceration, I read, meditated, prayed and fasted for the majority of my stay. The LORD revealed many wonderful truths in which I share through books, videos and face to face interactions. Jesus is alive and well and He's my best Friend. I pray that all that read this will come to know Him in a more intimate way. Be blessed in the Name of Our LORD Jesus. To God be all the glory!