A Wayfarer has practised Taoism for over thirty years. He learned much of what he knows by watching nature. In 2009, he experienced a spiritual epiphany and saw that all is a single Totality, a one Whole, a lone Being which we happen to call Tao, or God, or the Divine.
In that moment, he realised that what is inside of him is also outside of him and therefore "he" does not exist but is Being appearing as existence.
This awakening created the instant knowing that all is as it has ever been. The individual self is a lie, and the emotions, thoughts, worries, and problems facing it are also a fantasy. And while we still live and respond to a world of humanity, he knows that these are also shadows, appearing as people, often searching for something that is right before them.
His poetry does not come from him. It forces its way through him and therefore he sees that what is written is part of creation, part of the unfolding energy of Tao.