Yansan Yashoda Agard

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Yansan Yashoda Agard is a multi-cultured Guyanese poet, author and dancer. She enjoys music, travelling. keeping her community safe and mentoring to youth. Poems include "Granny Anna", featured in Daisy Goodwin's Essential Poems for Children and "The Puffin who Lived in a Muffin" featured in Pumpkin Grmpkin;an anthology compiled by John Agard and Grace Nichols. She is the author of "Monica and Monique's Great Journey" and "HyphySpunky the Supa-Cali-hip-disco Funky Turtle" Agard has performed in the Nutcracker with the San Francisco Ballet, performed in plays for the San Francisco Children’s Opera and played the violin, and piano. She appeared in Walt Disney's Sister Act and several music videos of Bay Area artists such as MC Hammer, Dru Down, Poohman and Suga T. She is currently a security professional in the healthcare and transit fields. Wrting is a passion that Agard has definitely developed from the legacy of her parents and grandparents.
