Robert Shapard created and edited, with James Thomas and others, many of the "Sudden" and "Flash" fiction anthologies that Stuart Dybek said had "a groundbreaking effect on American short fiction". At the same time his own stories have been and still are appearing in literary magazines such as New England Review, Necessary Fiction, New World Writing, 100 Word Story, Juked, Bending Genres, New Flash Fiction Review, Fractured Lit, and Kenyon Review. Now they appear together for the first time in their own book, Bare Ana and Other Stories. He and his wife live in Austin, Texas. What early reviewers say about Bare Ana: "A pitch-perfect, masterfully wrought collection of fiction short in length but vast in the Big Bang of the human condition."—Robert Olen Butler. "It’s welcome now to have (his) Bare Ana and Other Stories, a compelling collection of his own work."—Stuart Dybek. "I loved every story. A remarkable collection.”—Meg Pokrass. " "I love how these stories open onto scenes we recognize from some deep part of our souls and then go places we would never have imagined.”—Christopher Merrill. "His ability to find and capture transcendency in the smallest of moments—the click of a camera, a ray of sunlight pooling on the floor—will leave his readers enraptured, enlightened, and with a better knowledge of very short fiction.”—Tara Lynn Masih