Bob Wander

Bob Wander profile image


Bob Wander has been an FAA-certified Flight Instructor since 1980. Bob is the most widely published gliding author in the English language. His books include:

♦ Learning To Fly Gliders

♦ Everybody’s First Gliding Book!

♦ Private Pilot Glider Checkride. . . Made Easy!

♦ Commercial Pilot Glider Checkride . . . Made Easy!

♦ Glider Flight Instructor Checkride . . . Made Easy!

♦ Glider BFR & Spring Checkout . . . Made Easy!

♦ Glider Polars & Speed-To-Fly. . . Made Easy!

♦ Transition To Single Seat Gliders. . . Made Easy!

♦ The Art Of Thermaling. . . Made Easy!

♦ Badge Soaring: The ABC Badges . . . Made Easy!

♦ Badge Soaring: The Bronze Badge . . . Made Easy!

♦ Badge Soaring: The Silver Badge . . . Made Easy!

♦ Safer Soaring . . . Made Easy!

Bob Wander is also General Editor and Publisher of the Gliding Mentor Series of books:

♦ Thermals by Rolf Hertenstein

♦ Riding On Air: Ridge, Wave, & Convergence Lift by Rolf Hertenstein

♦ Towpilot Manual by Burt Compton

♦ End Of The Line: Glider Pilot Aerotow Manual by Murray Shain

♦ Power Pilot’s Guide To Soaring by Murray Shain

♦ Cross Country Manual For Glider Pilots by Dean Carswell

♦ Breaking The Apron Strings: Soaring Cross Country by Phil Petmecky

♦ Practical Wave Flying by Mark Palmer

♦ Landing Out: The Final Four Minutes by Don Ingraham

Bob wrote numerous chapters for the Federal Aviation Administration’s FAA Glider Flying Handbook. He has served as an aviation consultant to the Federal Aviation Administration, the National Transportation Safety Board, the Soaring Safety Foundation, the Soaring Society of America, Sporty’s Pilot Shop, and Jeppesen-Sanderson Publications. In 2009 Bob was the recipient of the Warren Eaton Trophy - the highest award of the Soaring Society of America.
