Dr. Amanda Sheffield Morris is a Regents Professor and the George Kaiser Family Foundation Chair in Applied Neuroscience in the Department of Psychology at Oklahoma State University. She is a developmental scientist who has published over 100 articles on children and adolescents’ socio-emotional development, with research interests in parenting, emotion regulation, early life adversity, and risk and resilience. With Dr. Jennifer Hays-Grudo she is co-author of Adverse and Protective Childhood Experiences: A Developmental Perspective and Raising a Resilient Child in a World of Adversity: Effective Parenting for Every Family, both published by the American Psychological Association. She is the editor in chief for the Journal of Research on Adolescence and is an Associate Editor for the journal of Adversity and Resilience Science: Research and Practice published by Springer/Nature. She is an MPI for the Oklahoma site of the NIH-funded HEALlthy Brain Child Development (HBCD) national study, and was a Co-Investigator for the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) study for seven years.