Alex M. Wolf started his education in the Arts as a Theatre major in Southern Ontario. His early career started as an actor in Toronto, London and North Bay. He enrolled in Film at Ryerson College and his screen writing talent began to emerge. While there, he started to develop "Light Years from Home”. He later produced this Sci-Fi TV series, which premiered on the SPACE channel. His credits included, Lead Actor, Writer, Producer, Director and a multitude of other jobs including SPX designer and animator. He learned the art of animation with Big Films Inc., a Special Effects company in Toronto. Alex then began a long collaboration and friendship with Troy Hurtubise, the star of the acclaimed film, “Project Grizzly”. They worked together on several projects and finally on a series called: “Mountain Man”, which Alex wrote, produced and directed. Mr Wolf moved back to California to continue his career in script writing. His genre of choice was Sci-Fi, until a Producer challenged him to write Horror. His response was, “I hate horror! With few exceptions, it’s one dimensional, highly predictable and full of loopholes.” At her insistance he finally acquiesced with the proviso, “It had to be different!” Finally birthing the screenplay, The Parallax Factor. He began shopping the screenplay around LA when Covid hit and Hollywood shut down, leaving him with only one avenue… to turn the screenplay into a novel. Alex M. Wolf is proud and excited to bring his debut novel to the world: The Parallax Factor.