Grace Zacaroli is a former psychotherapist who has harbored a dream of writing since her teens, when she spent the vast majority of her spare time lost in a good book. She has a longstanding love of spirituality and began exploring meditation, Eastern philosophy, religion, and spiritual dimensions of psychology in her late twenties. She later became a Reiki practitioner and yoga teacher, incorporating the philosophy and practice of both in all areas of her life. Now, she says, "I've finally been able to get myself out of the way, so a good story could come through." The Carpenter and The Apprentice is the first in a four-part series chronicling the personal and spiritual growth of a young man and the community that has taken him in. Set in the ancient Middle East, against a backdrop of war, the series explores what unites us, how and why we seek meaning and connection, and the powerful role of community in creating peace, unity, and harmony.