Mitchell C. Henderson

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Mitchell C. Henderson was born in Wichita, Kansas. He joined the Army in 1971 and was trained at the Chemical Warfare School at Fort McClellan, Alabama. He was a Radiological Warfare Staff Specialist for a Tactical Nuclear Field Artillery unit in the Republic of Korea from 1972-74. He remained in the Regular Army, National Guard and Reserves for 28 years, rising to Staff Sergeant in the Infantry, then as an officer in the Armored Cavalry to Captain. He earned Bachelor's Degrees in Geography, History, Political Science, Economics and International Relations and a Master's Degree in Geography. He was a Tampa Police Officer from 1980-86, serving one year in Patrol Division, a year as a Mugging Decoy on the Street Anti-Crime Squad, a year in Vice-Prostitution, a year in Homicide, and a year in Organized Crime-Human Trafficking. In 1990 he went to Cali, Colombia as a Treasury Department Contractor and successfully infiltrated to the top, personally making a drug deal with Drug Lord Miguel Rodriguez Orejuela to smuggle a metric ton of cocaine per month into the United States. This case put the Drug Lords in Jail in Colombia. He has had a lifelong interest in Geopolitics, Intelligence (Both Criminal and Military), and Military Strategy. He received training in Military Intelligence at Fort Bragg, NC at an S-2 Intelligence Staff Officer's Course; and received training on Military Operational Art at Combined Arms and Services Staff School. He is a self-taught Military Strategist. He is a Christian and a Life Member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars.
