Ajia Kirchgasser


Ajia is an accomplished accountant, a passionate storyteller, and the author of the book Molly Mae’s Milkshakes. While she navigates the world of numbers and spreadsheets all day, her true love lies within the realms of imagination and creativity. Ajia lets her own personal journey of self-discovery and the pursuit of her dreams inspire her stories, drawing parallels between her own experiences and the adventures of her characters. Through her writing, Ajia aims to motivate young readers to chase their passions fearlessly, even if they differ from the expectations of others. In her free time you can find her crafting, immersing herself in the magic of Disney, or indulging in Chick-fil-a’s cookies and cream milkshakes. Ajia currently lives in the Philadelphia suburbs with her husband, Ross, and their precious yet mischievous, chocolate labs, Axel and Charlie.


