Reid Hart

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Reid Hart is the author of Tarot Spirit Healing: A Shamanic Path to Clear Your Astrological Challenges. He is a popular teacher and leader in the shamanic community. He has helped hundreds of people in the U.S. and Australia to heal, find gentle practical methods to reconnect to the spirit world, and move more deeply into a mystery connection with the universe.

As a healer and spiritual teacher for over 31 years, he has taught hundreds of people to work more deeply with shamanism, Otherworld exploration, and the Western Mysteries. His teaching focus is a fusion of Western Mystery traditions with core shamanic methods. He works with Celtic, Nordic, Druidic, and Faery traditions, as well as the runes, tarot, astrology, and Qabalah. He achieved a Diploma of Competency in Advanced Hellenistic Astrology from Demetra George in 2024 after a 3-year program of study.
