Gershon Siegle wrote The Ten Commandments Reboot in the hope of liberating as many souls as possible without his having to take the Bodhisattva vow. He is also the author of Paradigms Lost: Online Oracles for the New Millennium, a satirical take on the dangers of hard, fast, literal beliefs proffered by the New Age, the Old Age, or any age for that matter. Siegel's writing career began at Steubenville High School (Steubenville, Ohio) when his journalism teacher, fresh out of college, made him feature editor of the school newspaper. Perhaps she failed to smell the danger in doing so or perhaps she simply intuited it was time for that sleepy little Ohio Valley town to hear from its disaffected youth, thus explaining why she continued to allow Siegel to write a humor column for most of his senior year-right up until the school's principal decided enough was enough. Either way, that journalism teacher was the first but not the last, to support Gershon as a smarty-pants writer. Siegel's writing career includes a stint as editor and columnist for Santa Fe Spirit and twelve-year run as a Santa Fe based publisher, editor, columnist, and reporter for Sun Monthly, a well received magazine of personal, practical, and planetary concerns. Rumor has it that Gershon moved to Santa Fe in the summer of 1981 because the May cover headline of Esquire Magazine proclaimed, “Yes, There Is One Last Place to Go.” Ten years later Siegel migrated to a semi-rural part of Santa Fe County where he and his wife, Susan Guyette, enjoy working on their books and feeling grateful for the mountain vistas offered by the heartland of Southwest suburbia.